Easter 2024 was a beautiful day to begin again. Every spring, we are gifted with new life all around us. With each new sunrise, we are gifted with the power and presence of the One Light, The Source of All. The Ancients celebrated this time every Spring. After the dormancy of winter, they celebrated nature blooming once again.
Gifted as I am to live so close to the beach, the place where the land meets the water and the water meets the sky, I become enraptured with the richness of this life with which we have been gifted. The sound of the birds and the feel of the wind are indeed magical.
Looking to the port, I observe the miracle of ships coming in laden with nature’s gifts from Latin America. I give thanks for this. I give thanks to the Loving Creator. I give thanks to all those who have served for eons of time to make our lives richer. I give thanks to all those Masters/Teachers who have walked the Earth bringing great teachings of love and light so that we might see more clearly, beyond negativity, doubt, and fear.
Yes, I Believe in a Loving Creator that is pure Love. The Master Jeshua came to this earth to be a demonstration of Love and Light directly from the Source. I believe his words when he said, “You are the light of the world.”[i] He was saying that we are also expressions of the One Light and Love of the Creator. I want to be an expression of light, love, compassion, joy, kindness, gentleness, and peace. I hope you will make that choice too. Happy Spring! JudyV
[i] Matthew 5:14