Your Inner Knowing

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How many times do we stress over a decision and pray for guidance, yet ignore the guidance that comes? It comes in many ways and if we are attuned and listening, we will know the right action to take. We will be gently guided.

We look at some who are gifted with psychic abilities and wonder why we are not able to access this higher realm too. While they may be extremely gifted and have honed their skills, we each have the innate ability to connect with higher guidance.

It happens in so many ways. We feel the energy that builds us up or drags us down, yet many times, we ignore it. We feel a knot in our stomach when we go along with a decision that isn’t ours, but we do not want to disappoint another. We “know” the right course of action, but we are distracted and not paying attention.

To hone these innate abilities, we only need to accept that it might be true and then pay attention. To become a master of any skill, one must practice it. I encourage you to pay attention to what your body is telling you through intuition, insight, visions, discomfort in the body, or other ways of sensing or knowing. Be at peace with the practice and be well. JudyV