What Is This Yearning?

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There is an incredible yearning that fills my being. This yearning has been there for years, and it continually leads me to seek more spiritual awareness. It is like an internal compass that is leading toward the beacon from home.

This beacon is strong, stronger than my physical heartbeat that draws me ever closer to touching the Face of God, the eternal mystery. Yes, beloved, before we came here into these human bodies, we were aware of the physical challenges and limitations. We were aware that a veil would be drawn. We were aware that as we transcended, transformed, listened to our inner call to seek God, that the veil would become thinner and thinner. Yes, by pulling back the veil, we can see that we are a part of the invisible realm. We have simply been unaware.

To see, to discover, to become the more that Spirit would have us become releases more of the Light and Love of God into our awareness. We not only transcend the human challenges and conditions, but we become more of the Light from whence we have come.

As I begin my day, I am aware and give thanks for that. As I walk along this sacred path, I am aware and give thanks for that. As I encounter a challenge, I turn toward the One Power and Presence and give thanks that the solution is on the way. As I go to sleep at night, I connect with this sacred energy and am at once risen above the human conditioning. I am most grateful.

The yearning toward the mystery feels sacred. The yearning for the esoteric realms feels like a longing for home. Like the homing pigeon, we follow our natural instinct.  I am most grateful for this internal desire to know God. Today, I ask Spirit to continue to guide my journey.  Amen.