What I’m Thankful For

holiday table, thanksgiving table, dinner-1926946.jpg

Our musicians have recently begun performing the song titled, “These are the Things I’m Thankful For.”[i]  Each time they sing it, I am deeply touched and brought to tears. It is a tremendous blessing to feel so deeply.

The song, with its music and words, reminds me of how deeply I feel appreciation for all the good in my life, my family near or far, and my wonderful friends. I am grateful for the sacred place where I serve at Unity of Gulfport,[ii]  where we experience fellowship each week, whether in person or online. I am grateful for all those with whom I communicate on social media. I deeply feel your presence and your love, and I am tremendously grateful for it.

At this time on planet Earth we are on the threshold of something grand and pivotal. As we come out of our seclusion from the Covid-19 pandemic, we see that it has been a gift, an invitation to slow down, reassess, and become reborn as the person that we were meant to be. We are becoming people of the Light like never before, whereby our Spirits are connected to the Source of wisdom, insight, intuition, and knowledge. Healing is ours for the asking. As the Master Jesus said, “Ask and ye shall receive.”[iii] For those who ask, we shall receive the Kingdom and that special place (knowing) is to be found within. I routinely ask that that God/Source/Creator will fill me with Love, Light and Wisdom. I pray to be a Vessel of Truth, Love, and Peace.

This is only possible because I am incredibly grateful for all that I have already received. It is impossible to list all that I am thankful for because the list is so incredibly long. Let us just say that I am thankful for every person and situation that I have encountered during this lifetime. For those things that did not seem like a blessing at the time, I acknowledge that a great lesson came forth for me. I am thankful for this generous and abundant Earth, and the people who toil in the fields to grow the bounty that sustains us. I am thankful for all the hands/trucks/trains/boats/planes that continue to bring the foods and necessary goods to us. I am thankful for the hands that prepare the foods, and I am thankful for our homes, our families, our communities, and our world and all its resources. May we be ever mindful of how sacred these resources are and treat them accordingly.

I am so incredibly grateful for this body, this human vessel, and I will treat it as being sacred and holy. I will give it the proper nourishment to include sun, food, fellowship, and joy. I hope you will practice this appreciation as well. May each of us be thankful every moment for all the abundance that is available.

And from the song that I referred to above that is in my heart and mind at this moment:

What I’m thankful for ain’t on no list
For it only in my heart exists
For time has helped me understand
The things I can’t hold in my hand

Thank you, God. Amen. Lovingly Always, Rev. J  

[i] https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/garthbrooks/whatimthankfulforthethanksgivingsong.html

[ii] https://unitygulfport.com/home

[iii] https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Mark-11-24/