At our spiritual center in Gulfport, Mississippi, we’ve been discussing how to trust our own guidance. The truth is that we can read books, blogs, and listen to others speak about trust but until we begin practicing it, we aren’t really getting anywhere. We remain stuck with our angst, indecision, blame, regret, etc.
But you might say, “It isn’t easy.” No, it isn’t, but you must begin trusting yourself if you want to truly understand and live from that place of trust and wisdom. You may have been questioning yourself for years and don’t trust any decisions that you make. You may recycle old stories to yourself about how you regret the past, how everything you’ve done turned out badly, or you may continually blame your situation on others. Deep in your heart, though, you know that you are responsible for your life. You may have given that power away to others. If so, it is time to take it back.
Like any muscle that we want to strengthen, it must be used regularly. We must begin building it to become strong. Trust is the same way. If we have lost all trust in ourselves, we can change our inner narrative from negative affirmations to affirmative ones and really mean it.
“I make great choices. Decisions come easily to me.”
“I trust my inner guidance to lead me toward my highest and my best.”
“I trust that God/the Universe, will lead me to my Highest Good.”
“With confidence, strength, and courage, I navigate my life toward wholeness.”
Take a deep breath and TRUST that the Divine Flow is available and at work all the time. All you need to do is relax and align yourself with it. Begin each morning with quiet time. Allow Light and Love to fill your heart, your mind, your entire being. Now, focus on the heart center and send light to all the people, places, and things in the world where light and love are needed. By doing this, you are sharing what comes directly from the Source and is pure light and love. Embody that light and love into every cell of your body, thereby healing yourself, and share that healing energy with the world. If we all do that, we will move beyond the critical mass that is required to go to the next level where peace on earth will be found.
Heal yourself and the world. Trusting that you are divinely guided will start to bring miraculous events into your life even sooner than you could have expected. Focus on the good, smile, and trust that all is well. And so, it is. Amen.