The Journey of a Thousand Miles

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.  Lao Tzu (570 – 490 B.C.E.)

Where to Begin the Inner Journey?

The Journey toward inner peace begins right now, right where you are. The wake-up call comes to many in mid-life. It is occurring earlier now in younger people. Some of us known as the Baby-Boomer generation found ourselves generally in mid-life, early to mid-forties, wondering about our lives and desiring to know more, to be more. A sense of “There has got to be more to life than this!” begins gradually to take place.

It might begin with a gentle wake-up call, a sense that something is missing. This grows until it becomes a longing for more. We may have vague remembrances, a sense of “Deja-vu” or visions, intuitions or yearnings that urge us onward toward the Light. This desire for a deeper understanding, a deeper relationship with God comes into our lives and will not leave.

Sometimes the wake-up call comes as a huge and life-altering change or loss. We are shaken to our very core by an unexpected and unwanted change. It may be accompanied by an extended period of mourning and adjusting to the change and/or loss.  In the process, the individual’s perspective may change significantly.

When we begin a journey, it is wonderful to have a modern map that has all the latest road changes and detours. It would be wonderful if a spiritual map could be provided that says, “go this way” or perhaps, “dead-end,” but it’s not that easy. The irony of the spiritual journey is that everyone must find his or her own path, and it is finding and walking the path that true transition lies.

On a physical journey, you’ll see signs that read, “Stop,” “Slow Down,” “Detour,” “This Way”, etc.  On the Spiritual Journey, these same type instructions from books, seminars, workshops, etc. are helpful but in the end, you are the one that will create your own map toward the destination of your choosing. You get to decide!

You will create your most beneficial map by allowing your heart to be your compass. For instance, if you are beginning your journey with the intent of peace, love, gentleness, kindness, abundance, gratitude, and a willingness to improve, you will find gentle reminders along the path to keep you on track toward that destination.  Sometimes being around others who create drama and chaos provides a metaphysical/emotional sign that says, “Beware turbulence ahead.” This could be an opportunity for you to pause, center yourself and decide whether to be triggered or whether to lovingly choose a detour.

My wish for each of you is that your journey will be pleasing, and your path made smooth.  Lovingly, JudyV