Spiritual Shock Absorbers

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Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of the Science of Mind, shared his wisdom about shock absorbers in 1952.  He said he remembered a time before cars had very effective shock absorbers and how, when riding in a car he “bumped along the road, clutching the side of the car to keep from being thrown out.” Science of Mind is now known as the Centers for Spiritual Living.[i]

These lives of ours have many detours, storms, bumps, and potholes. There are many roadblocks along the way, and it is our responsibility to develop spiritual tools to assist in staying balanced. There are many shocks throughout our lives. We are shocked when one country decides to invade another, we are shocked by stories of abuse, health crises for ourselves and loved ones, and loss of loved ones. As a matter of fact, our lives can be filled with many upsets, but it is our choice as to allow those upsets to keep us down or make us stronger.

Dr. Holmes asks: “If science can build a physical absorber that takes up the shock when we drive our automobiles, why can’t the mind build up a spiritual shock absorber that will absorb all the difficulties of the day with ease?” [ii]

Here are my spiritual shock absorbers:

I believe that there is a power and presence in the Universe that is all good – we call that presence God.

I am connected to this power and embrace my inherent wisdom, intuition, and spiritual understanding.

My prayer life continually sustains me and brings me closer to God.

My thoughts remind me that I am safe, I am whole, and I am loved.

By living these truths, I am a demonstration of God’s wisdom, love, peace, compassion, joy, and generosity.  

I embrace Christ Consciousness. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.[iii]  I embrace and live that teaching.

If I am truly intent upon becoming my best, I learn from the shocks to my system. Sometimes going through them is difficult, but spiritual tools can be developed that help to absorb and minimize impacts and in addition, avoid potholes in the future.

“Seek to make your work a prayer, your believing an act, your living an art. It is then the object of your faith will be made visible to you.” – Ernest Holmes[iv]

[i] About – Guide for Spiritual Living (scienceofmind.com)

[ii] 67 Ernest Holmes Quotes On The Power Of Your Mind – Succeed Feed

[iii] Matthew 5:14

[iv] 67 Ernest Holmes Quotes On The Power Of Your Mind – Succeed Feed