Odd Occurrences

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If you are paying attention to what is going on in the world right now, you must conclude that there is a great deal of change going on. Change and transition aren’t usually easy. It’s messy, painful, sometimes vastly disappointing and leaves us wondering, “What next?”

What if all the disarray personally and in society is simply the outward symptoms of big change? I’ve had friends who ended up in hospital because they suddenly lost all awareness of who they were, where they were and who they were with. At the hospital, they regain their consciousness but are treated to a multitude of tests to ascertain why this happened only to learn there was no reason. I have other friends who are reporting “mini seizures” where strange electrical impulses occur in the brain for a few or several seconds. Again, testing provides no clues as to “why”. Others are saying that their sleep patterns have shifted again wondering “why”.

This can’t be coincidence that so many are experiencing such disorientation. It’s occurred to me what I have truly known all along and that this is an outer manifestation of an inner change within one’s own body. Perhaps we’re being upgraded with newer/higher software like happens when we reboot our computer. I do know that it is heaven-sent. It feels other-worldly to me. It is also a signal to stop and rest. It is a signal that we are doing too much when we need to simply be, and rest in the arms of the Beloved.

Beloved God/Divine Spirit/Heavenly Love, I ask this morning that whoever is reading this will be blessed in all ways. I pray that they will align with the higher rhythm of life and be comforted and at peace. I pray that each one will begin to lovingly care for their sacred body and as the days pass, the body too will be uplifted, strengthened, and rejuvenated in all ways. Along with the earth’s changes, the societal and personal transitions, I pray for ease and grace for all.

These are not the End Times beloved friends but simply transitional times. Rest in that knowledge and be of good faith. Lovingly always, J