No Doom and Gloom Here

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So many people are struggling with what to believe and who to believe in these days of misinformation, glaring headlines, hate and fear strewn carelessly across the airwaves and news streams.  You might ask, “How do I know what to believe or whom to follow?” 

Well, I can tell you quite simply to whom you should pay attention. You should listen only to those who have something positive to say. You should pay attention to paths that speak of hope, faith, strength, blessings, light, love, smiles, inner growth, passion, compassion and following your heart. Do not pay attention to those voices out there spewing only hate and fear.  They are speaking only from their wounded egos, and they want attention more than anything else. They do not want your highest good and they do not want the highest good for humankind. The Source of All That Is (God/Creator) consists of pure love and positive energy.

Listen only to those who speak of hope. When someone begins speaking of doom and gloom, excuse yourself from the conversation, webcast, book, article, sermon, gathering, or whatever form of communication you are participating in or observing.  Don’t allow fear to dictate your life.

Look for voices that promote harmony and peace. There are many, many of us that want peace of heart and mind for ourselves and peace and harmony for the world. It’s not just me. I join etheric hands with people all over the world who want to make the world a better place for ourselves and those who are yet to be born.

If this message resonates with you, if it vibrates harmony and love within your own heart center, know that you have come to be a faith keeper, a light, a member of the Light Workers sent to this earth to bring faith and hope. You are here to stand tall and speak and be your truth. Don’t waver from it. 

Join with me in staying positive through all things.  Follow only those things that provide hope, not fear.  Much love, Judy”

1 thought on “No Doom and Gloom Here”

  1. Amen Rev. Judy!
    I Love this beautiful reminder, it is up to us who and what we give our attention to. It serves us well to be deliberate about this!

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