Midwinter, A Most Holy Time of the Year

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Tony Robbins says, “Winter doesn’t last forever.”

Living here on the Gulf Coast, our experience of winter is brief compared to so many other locations. We experience some chilly air and maybe a few days of frigid air but mostly in the winter here, the sun shines brightly and warmly. I love living here. We have just enough winter to remind us that indeed the seasons do change.

Having grown up in East Tennessee, I have experienced plenty of winter. There were times of deep snow and ice, and winters that felt as if they would never end. But winter does not last forever and maybe winter has been given a bad rap. We all need to hibernate for a time to remain healthy and strong. Winter is necessary in all of nature so that rebirth can take place. Sometimes heartache must occur so that we may know the depths of love. Sometimes we lose our physical capabilities for a time so that we may know the joy of being fully alive when recovery occurs.

We are quickly approaching the Winter Solstice. For those who are not aware, the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on December 21st. It is the day when we experience the least amount of daylight. It has been said that the “sun stands still,” as at the darkest time of the year, life stops for a timeless moment, before the light can return and renew the energy of the earth. Traditional cultures around the world imagined that humans played a role in bringing the light back from the darkness.

The world seems at a tipping point right now. The pandemic is essentially over but brutal politics have taken center stage. We thought we were moving beyond all the ugliness but unfortunately, it takes time for the ugliest traits of the human species to show their faces.

Someone asked me the other day, “with all the negativity lately, do you think we’re going backward in our moral and spiritual values?” “No,” I said, “the negativity has been there all along and must first come to the light before it can be transformed.

We are at a tipping point whereby more of us are aware of who we truly are and what truly matters. So, I am imagining that with this magical, wonderful time of year with the Winter Solstice and the Coming of the Light, that a true miracle is occurring. Light and Love directly from the Benevolent Source (or whatever name you use), is bringing love to every human heart that will allow it in.

My meditation and prayer this morning as we enter this incredibly holy time of year is that we all take a few moments and recall how sacred life is, how sacred each breath is and express tremendous gratitude each moment. Let us commit together to be the best humans we can be in 2023 and all time going forward. Let us allow hatred and resentment to be healed and replaced by higher understanding, wisdom, and love.

My intention is to Love and Serve. I will take care of my body and get adequate nourishment and sleep. I will take steps to reduce all stress, emotional, mental, and physical, and I will align my daily activities toward higher values.

These are not just resolutions. These are promises. I will hold myself to these promises.

I wish you the holiest of days for the solstice, and every day going forward. I am grateful for every single blessing in my life and hope you are too. Lovingly, Judy

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