Love in its Essence is Spiritual Fire

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A few weeks ago, my family and I had lunch at a favorite Asian restaurant. At the end of the meal, we all opened our fortune cookies. I was absolutely delighted with mine. It read:

“Love in its essence is spiritual fire.”

This was a vaguely familiar quote and I looked it up the minute I arrived back home.

The quote by Seneca, encapsulates the idea that love is not merely a fleeting emotion but a force that can ignite and transform us on a deeper level. It highlights the spiritual nature of love, suggesting that it possesses a powerful energy akin to fire. In exploring this quote, we can begin to understand the significance of love in our lives and how it can fuel our personal growth and connections with others.[i]

In my studies to become a minister within Unity Worldwide Ministries©, I was intrigued by Charles Fillmore’s definition of the power of love. In his book, The Twelve Powers, he describes love as: “…the pure essence of Being that binds together the whole human family.”[ii]

Filmore referred to love as a magnet. From the Daily Word of December 10, 1938, “The love of God in my heart attracts to me my good. Love is often likened to a magnet that draws our good to us. A magnet draws to it that which is of like quality because of something inside itself.  Without noise or force, it attracts to us only good.” [iii]

One of the most well-known writings about love comes from the Apostle Paul as he discerned the teachings of Jesus on order to teach others. Whether he thought humanity would still be discussing these teachings two thousand years later is impossible to know, but nevertheless, the words from the book of Corinthians still touch the heart of the reader today.

“If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”[iv]

The loving one known as St. Francis also provided his interpretation of the teachings of Jesus. He said,

“Oh, Divine Master, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace. “

It is my prayer as well, “Oh, Divine Spirit, make me an instrument of your Love, your Peace, your Light right here on this earth.” May I light up the heavens and the earth with the love that I embody and extend outward to the world.

I hope you’ll allow true authentic Love into your life. I hope you’ll extend it to yourself, every cell in your body, and then extend it to others. Its magnetic quality will bring love streaming back to you. May you bask in a glorious pool of Love, Light, and Joy this Sacred Season and always.  JudyV

[i] www. Lucius Annaeus Seneca: ‘Love in its essence is spiritual fire.’ — The Socratic Method (


[iii] Love: December 10, 1938 (
