Living Under The Influence

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We are all familiar with the term, “driving under the influence” or “DUI”. It is so commonplace that we don’t even think about where the terms originated or why they are still in use.  Curious about it, I decided to research a bit of history. It turns out that laws went into effect about the same time people were behind the wheel.

On September 10, 1897, a 25-year-old London taxi driver named George Smith became the first person ever arrested for drunk driving after slamming his cab into a building. Smith later pleaded guilty and was fined 25 shillings. Then, in the United States, detection devices have evolved till we have the modern-day breathalyzer and other methods of detection.

But I don’t want to talk about that today. I want to talk about living under the influence of a Higher Power/God/Source/Love. We may not have a breathalyzer for it, but we can surely recognize it when we’re around people who have developed and strengthened their connection to Source.

Their energy feels loving and accepting and their decisions are made with a higher level of wisdom and understanding. They don’t bow to cultural pressures. They are loving, kind, courteous and respectful but not afraid of speaking Truth. Their energy draws you to them.

That must have been the way it was with the Masters who have walked the earth, of whom we have heard so much, such as Buddha, Lao Tzu, Francis of Assisi, Jesus, and others. They had an energy and vibration that was formed in Love, the vibration of God.

What would it feel like to be under the influence of the Highest, the Absolute?

Jealousy, envy, anger, self-righteousness, and hatred would disappear and instead, we would see love, joy, generosity, openness, and other positive attributes. As we set the intention to bring Light to every corner of our lives, our vibration, countenance, and consciousness changes, and the energy around us changes as well, becoming a positive influence on everyone and everything.

If I am to be an influence upon others in this lifetime, I want to be an influence for good. I want to influence others to see the good within themselves and the world. I want to influence others toward peace, harmony, love, light, gentleness, kindness and compassion.

We can bring Christ Consciousness, the Consciousness of the One Light and the One Love right here to earth in our hearts and minds, our homes, our communities and the world. We can be an influence for good.

“The Light in me recognizes and bows to the Light in You.” Amen. Thank you for your time. JV