I Lost a Special Friend Yesterday

It’s certainly nothing new. We know that we’re here for an undetermined number of years but somehow, the loss of this friend caught me off guard. Maxine was a cantankerous sort. She had been single and independent for decades. She earlier raised her boys, taught school, and then traveled the country driving a pickup and pulling a travel trailer by herself in her seventies.

She loved to take the train from New Orleans to Chicago and then across country to California to visit her sons. She finally spent a few years in an RV park where everyone took delight in seeing her walking with her dog, BJ.

Her family finally convinced her a few months ago to move into independent living where she could take BJ. It was certainly a good thing because she traveled the halls with her walker smiling at everyone and spreading positive vibes.

I loved her outlook. If something occurred that she didn’t like, she wouldn’t sit and moan and groan and whine about it. She would simply lift her shoulders and say, “oh, well.”

Whoever came up the laws of attraction had nothing new for Maxine. She knew that you received according to what you gave. I still hear her saying, “you can’t outgive God.”

I give thanks for knowing Maxine. I give thanks for her spunk and honesty. You always knew whatever she said, it was exactly how she felt. She stirred hearts with her kindness and joy, she gave freely of her love, laughter, smiles, and resources. One thing she wasn’t ever willing to give away was her freedom to choose what she thought and control over her life.

She was lovingly coaxed into assisted living a few months ago and it was blessing to see her walking the halls of that beautiful facility and spreading joy. She never talked about spirituality or religion, but her actions spoke her theology. She believed in “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” She lived with honesty, generosity, and a large dose of sass! She blessed me in so many ways. Goodbye, my beloved friend, until our souls meet again.