There is an old saying in response to being asked how we’re doing, and it is, “Not perfect, but better than I was before.” That answer is what keeps us going when there might be a tendency to fall into depression and despair.
Many Master Teachers including Jesus have reminded us to “be of good faith and cheer,” but we so often lose faith and hope and choose to dwell upon disasters and bad news. I know there is certainly plenty of sad, bad news out there, but there is a staggering amount of good news too.
When you look at stories of miracles, for instance the one recently of the baby’s heart defect being repaired in the mother’s womb and his being born healthy and whole, it can change your entire outlook. We have a friend who is recovering from a difficult open-heart operation where his chances of making it were dismal. There are miraculous stories everywhere!
Do not feel guilty about feeling peace of heart and mind, even if the news makes it sound as though the world is falling apart. Give love and compassion where you’re able and remember that when you are being joyful, you are uplifting others along your path. Choose joy and align yourself with that. Your being mournful doesn’t help those who are mourning, it only adds to their sense of hopelessness.
We’re at the beginning of a new year. Rethink everything you’ve been taught. Question the things that you are doing and how you spend your time. If you don’t want to go to a party, stay home and celebrate. If the host or hostess holds a grudge, then that’s o.k. Express higher truth and expect it out of others.
We have evolved beyond the old ego ways of blaming others for our unhappiness. Choose peace of heart and mind and allow yourself to feel joyful. It is the way of being in 2022. Move into that great spiritual space now. Yes, let us be joyful no matter what. We’re getting better all the time! JudyV
I love this post and find it very timely, personally. The standard “I’m great, how are you?” response isn’t always congruent with how I feel in a moment… also don’t want to take a conversation into a negative direction so I’m finding the attitude of a “getting better daily” kind of response to be more congruent and focused on the truth of the matter, no things may not be perfect but that’s okay and I’m getting better from it all anyway so it’s literally “all good” LOL
I’m appreciating this new blog of yours, Judy!
Thank you!