Did you Ever Have to Make up your Mind?
The lyrics from the song that the Lovin’ Spoonful sang years ago came to my mind this morning.
They are:
“Did you ever have to make up your mind?
You pick up on one and leave the other behind
It’s not often easy and not often kind
Did you ever have to make up your mind?
Did you ever have to finally decide?
And say yes to one and let the other one ride
There’s so many changes and tears you must hide
Did you ever have to finally decide?”
Well, it’s time to decide who you choose to be in the future. Are you content with your life? Well, that takes work too because life moves on, and we move along with it. There are challenges, surprises, twists, and turns we didn’t expect. That’s just part of life.
So, if you feel that you have attained spiritual maturity and you are at peace and harmony with where you are in life. Congratulations. Keep up the good consciousness daily.
If you feel that you would like to have more harmony, abundance, love, joy, compassion, humility, divine order, or anything else in your life, make up your mind now on how you’re going to do that.
Write it down. Write down what you are doing that is already succeeding. If there are areas for improvement, write them down. Make a commitment. Set your intention. Yes, it is time to make up your mind. Will you notice the changes needed to improve your life and leave others behind? It is time to finally decide.
Love and blessings to you in your deciding, choosing, and committing to be the best you that you can be. Rev Judy