A Responsible Life

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I was preparing a lesson for the youth leader to share with the children on Sunday and realized how all of us could stand to have this reminder.

Many of the traits that parents want to instill in their children are kindness, honesty, courage, strength, generosity, compassion, self-discipline, and responsibility. If people don’t take responsibility for their lives, things will not turn out well for themselves and others.

We’ve all been in situations where we were required to take responsibility for our actions. I heard of a man that walked away from a rental house without notifying the owners. The electricity was turned off and it was the middle of the winter. All the pipes in the house froze and when they thawed, the pipes burst, and water flowed freely and destroyed the house. He, the renter, accepted no responsibility for what occurred. He said it wasn’t his problem.

I remember thinking that he had obviously not learned that we have an ethical and moral (and legal) responsibility for keeping our promises. When he agreed to rent the house, he stated that he would not damage it. Beyond ethical and legal responsibilities, there is the moral dilemma of having done a wrong toward another. Jesus said, “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

I’ve also heard the saying, “what goes around comes around.” In a karma sort of way, the Universe seems to give back what we give out. Even if we don’t act ethically and morally for the right reason, perhaps we could start out by doing it because we want good to come our way.  Maybe then, it will take hold spiritually.

I’m dismayed at what is going on around us with the fake news, accusations and ugliness being spewed into the ethers. Those who are responsible for starting the rumors and getting people upset are pretending they don’t know the truth. They are not taking responsibility for their words and actions.  This is huge!

It’s been a difficult year. The pandemic has been a big part of it, but I’ve been more concerned about the ugliness from our fellow Americans. I’d advise those who are refusing to let go of the presidential election results to let it go. It’s over. Please quit fabricating ugly rumors. Let us work together to bring peace and harmony to our country and our world. Let each of us be responsible for our words and our deeds and bring light into the world instead of darkness.  Today, I take responsibility for bringing peace, love and light into the world. May you do so too.

3 thoughts on “A Responsible Life”

  1. Hi Judy,
    I’m totally in alignment with your thoughts. Great to find you on Facebook! Are you in IG?
    We might want to team up somehow. Marciadiane.com
    I love what you write. All of what we do is a labor of love and service.
    My blog is new.
    My 21 books on Kindle (due to much original color art) are available on Amazon very inexpensively. My latest called Thriving is in paperback. I explain how karma works in great detail.
    Much divine love to you and your family and admiration for your service,

    1. Thank you so much for following my journey at Soul to Soul. I appreciate your interest! Love and Light, Judy

  2. I see your IG account has no posts yet. There’s only so much we can do at the same time.
    Art and graphics are my strong suit. See Marciadiane_author on IG


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