Attributes of Deep Inner Wisdom

Tranquil view of a wooden pier extending into the calm lake during a breathtaking sunset.

We all know how it feels to be in the presence of someone who has deep inner wisdom and peace no matter what is going on in the outside world. This individual did not become that way overnight but consciously chose to connect with the inner wisdom that is always available.

Spiritual maturity is a lifetime practice and process. Those who reach it have made a commitment to being their best and living from their deep inner wisdom. Developing deep inner wisdom then shows up in these attributes:

1) Quiet confidence and Resilience.

People with genuine inner wisdom tend to carry an aura of quiet confidence that is not swayed by what others think of them or trying to please others.

They realize that they have within them everything that is needed for their spiritual well-being and growth. It allows them to be confident in times of stress, to stay above strife and worry.

2) Patience.

In our fast-paced world, patience might seem like a forgotten virtue. Yet, those with true wisdom understand the importance of patience in all aspects of life.

It’s about realizing that not everything needs an immediate reaction and that sometimes waiting can bring clarity and better outcomes.

3) Emotional Control/Balance.

We can always measure our spiritual growth based on our emotional responses. If we are slow to anger and are not easily upset, we have come a long way.

Yet it seems difficult at times to control our emotional responses, and the stresses and pressures of daily living upset and frustrate us.

 We need to realize that by staying balanced and in control of our emotions, we are much more effective in the world. Instead of bringing angst and anger to the world, we aid in creating solutions. It does not mean that we do not confront things that are wrong. It means that with our inner practice, we are not triggered to react but to respond in a more balanced and effective way.

4) Humility.

Even with their deep understanding and knowledge, those with humility never consider themselves superior to others. They understand that everyone has something unique to offer, and they aren’t afraid to learn from anyone, regardless of their status or background. Haughty is not a word that is used to describe someone with deep inner wisdom. Another way of thinking about humility is being the right size in any given situation: not too big (arrogance), but also not too small (self-scorn).

5) Open-minded.

This is sometimes referred to as intellectual humility. Within yourself, intellectual humility involves awareness of your biases.  It requires a willingness to revise viewpoints when presented with compelling evidence. It means keeping your ego in check.

Being open-minded avoids being dogmatic by being willing to see things differently.

We would never have true insights unless we were open-minded and willing to learn.

This allows us to grow and not be confined by rigid beliefs or opinions.

6) Self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the key ingredient that every wise and successful person has.

They want to know more about themselves and develop the spiritual maturity to look at themselves objectively. They can look at their faults and talents, their failings, and strengths. Only by being self-aware will we truly reach spiritual maturity.

7) Kindness and Compassion.

Ernest Hemingway once said, “In our darkest moments, we don’t need advice.”

What we truly need is the power of human connection: a quiet presence, a gentle touch, or the smallest gesture that reminds us that we’re not alone. These acts of love and solidarity become the anchors that hold us steady when life feels overwhelming.

Let’s remember the importance of simply being there for one another, sometimes with a hand up, a supportive word or other loving action.

8) Forgiving.

We need not pretend that the words or actions of others didn’t happen or hurt us. We are honest about our feelings. We allow the right action to take place, learn every lesson we’re able and then follow our deep inner wisdom about what we will allow in the future. Then, we let go of the need to hold hard feelings toward the other. We forgive and release so that deep peace is ours.

9) Flexible.

The only constant in life is change.

Those who are wise have internalized this and are willing and able to adapt to what comes.

They do their best to still be flexible in pursuit of their goals. The means to getting to their goal can be negotiated, even if the end is something on which they won’t waver.

Being adaptable and staying largely unsurprised by change and tumult is the sign of a wise person.

10) Generous.

Generosity is a spiritual practice, a commitment to fully taking part in the flow of life. As I give generously, I receive the richness of grace, love, and peace. I relax into the flow of synchronicity and receive unexpected blessings. Generosity is the gift I give myself. If I am stingy with the Universe, the Universe is naturally stingy with me. “It is through giving that we receive.”[i]

11) Understands need for self-care.

As adaptable and giving as they may be, truly wise people have limits. Burnout is a real risk for those who are inherently kind, generous, and compassionate. Being aware of one’s energy level is key to serving with our highest and our best. Caring for our bodies, minds and spirits means that we are aware of the things that drain our energy and must prioritize our own health and well-being.

12) Grateful and Joyful.

Gratitude is an important trait of a spiritually mature person and one of the ways they express their gratitude is by being light-hearted and joyful. Gratitude improves the mood.  Smiling and being joyful is a result of being grateful. Smiling then releases endorphins that make us feel better and more optimistic. It is also contagious. It is a way of sharing our peace, love, light, and joy with the world.

As we consider the above traits, we will naturally allow inner wisdom to shine brightly and guide us towards a more enlightened and fulfilling existence. Developing deep inner wisdom will not only enhance your own life but will also bring healing to the world. JudyV

[i] Prayer of Saint Francis

1 thought on “Attributes of Deep Inner Wisdom”

  1. Beautifully stated. I watched your video from Sunday and wanted to find the previous week of the series your are currently speaking on.
    I am new to this technology and found your blog in my search. It was on the same subject. Some things are just meant to be when we trust in the Lord.
    It was a wonderful opportunity to review what you said. So very enlightening and helpful.
    Thank you for the wise words.

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