A New Awareness – Claiming Your True Self

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We are moving forward into a new energy whereby what has felt comfortable in the past is changing rapidly. Many of us are not willing nor able to stay small anymore, giving our power away to whatever has previously demanded our energy. We are standing up, going forward, claiming our own individual self.

What does this mean? It means that there is a new humanity being born upon this planet that sees with new eyes, hears with new ears, feels in a grander way, touches with a knowing healing touch. We are no longer willing to sit aside and play small, allowing people in higher places with louder voices but lower consciousness to guide us. We are the new leaders. There are millions of us, no matter your chronological age, from birth to 149 years or more, the new leaders/lightworkers express the light of Beloved Creative Source.

It takes time to become your new self. Just like the caterpillar that becomes the beautiful butterfly, it takes time so if any of this resonates with you, please slow down, take the time to honor your role in the birthing of new earth, the new humanity, the new consciousness that is taking place. Slow down, cease doing meaningless busy work, honor your body, your mind, your spirit, and your unique soul’s purpose. Your soul knows and will inform you of what is yours to do or be. You will be drawn to it like a magnet. It will know your face.

Being who you are meant to be, claiming your authentic self is your greatest gift that you can give. Claiming your authentic self will lead you to your authentic purpose that is only yours to do and be. Begin now, honor yourself, honor your path.  Release all negativity such as fear, worry, unforgiveness, blame, shame, victimization, regret, etc. and embrace the heart of love which grows deeper every day in its knowing, intuiting, embracing, loving, guiding, sharing, beaming its light that can be seen and felt by all near and far. Embrace your true self, beloved. You are here to glow at this time of huge change for humanity. A new humanity is being born. Will you step up and be counted? JudyV