Kindness Feels Good and Has a Ripple Effect

A mesmerizing shot of a water droplet capturing the beauty of liquid dynamics.

I wrote last week about how important it is that we develop empathy. Not empathy that shuts us down because we feel so deeply the feelings or plight of others but an empathy that touches our hearts and shows up as compassion. So, we’re moving on this week to talking about Loving Kindness. It is said that kindness is love in action. Loving Kindness makes people feel that they matter.

We have heard so many stories that touch our hearts. There is the one about the disabled boy who wanted to play in a softball game with the other boys. The story touched the hearts of those on both teams who participated and rooted for him to bat the ball, run the bases, and run home ecstatically joyful and proud. There wasn’t a dry eye to be found among the participants, the observers and the listeners who hear of the story. It touches your heart and creates a desire to give your own acts of loving kindness.[i]

It turns out that being exposed to acts of kindness has a chemical effect on the body and the feel-good chemical, oxytocin is released.  Oxytocin makes us feel good. Acts of kindness and generosity make us feel good. Doing something for someone with no expectation of anything in return gives a surge of oxytocin.[ii]

So, what if we commit to doing something nice for someone with no expectation of anything in return? Imagine what happens at work, at home and in the community at large. We can spread love and kindness all day long by doing things that make us feel good too.

Who are we as a society?  Right now, there is a big war going on in the world between love and fear or hate. Love is trying to get our attention but fear and hate look like they’re winning.

Unkindness seems to be all over the place right now, but I know there are many of us  acting with love and kindness behind the scenes. We are praying, loving, giving, and reaping the rewards of having a kind and generous heart.

Religious teachings all over the world have asked us to love one another. You get to choose every moment, every day what to do with your life. I hope you’ll decide to be kind. I hope you’ll decide to give, to be generous, to promote love instead of hate.

In my personal view, how I am demonstrating loving kindness matters a great deal. I hope it means a lot to you too. One act of kindness creates a ripple effect. I’m envisioning all the great ripples going out into the universe right now.



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