Efficiency is Not Always Best

I saw a short clip on social media of a Chinese company’s invention of a robot dog for use in medical facilities to transport patients. While I usually see the good in creative energy saving technology, this is not one I can applaud.

Why, might you ask?  Well, for one thing, it takes the human element of love and caring out of the experience for the patient. Whether they are conscious or unconscious, the spiritual element is so important. Human love and caring from the heart and mind of the medical worker is critical at this time of need.

How could we not know that to be in the care of a compassionate person has its own healing properties?

Compassion, caring for and holding space for the patient is important.

With all our creativity, let us not forget the healing and value derived from human love and touch. Even if the attendant does not physically touch the patient, he/she surrounds them with a field of love, kindness, and compassion. I pray that we will not lose sight of that.

 Efficiency is not always best. With love, Rev. J