Welcome the Sacred into your Life

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It doesn’t matter what you believe about who came to embody and bring news of a Higher Love.  The Love of the Creator has been spoken of by many: Moses, David, Jesus, Mary, Mohammed, Krishna, Kwan Yin, Yogananda, Buddha, Lao Tze, and many others. If their words encourage you find to find God, use them. What matters most is that we use the time that has been allotted to us and invite Divine Love into our lives.

We are given this time of year as a gift from the Universe but too often we use the time to focus on the outer activities that do not lead to that which we truly yearn for, and that is inner peace.  Let us pause daily and allow ourselves to be open, to invite, to invoke the light and love of God to enter our hearts. 

And let us deepen our holiday experience by setting our intention for silence; our intention for self-care; and our intention for connection. Ask Santa for anything you want, but I would suggest what we all need is silence, self-care, and connection this Christmas. God bless you all. JV