Lightheartedness – A True Treasure

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Last week, I asked my daughter, who happens to coordinate the music at our spiritual center if it would be o.k. to invite a musician to the music circle this month. The music circle is a gathering of our musicians to get together for a couple of hours of music and song. They go around the circle and one person chooses a song to play, and others join in with their instruments and voices if they choose. Then, it goes to the next in the circle. It is really a fun, lively time of joy and fellowship.

The new person I had in mind was a local man that had shared music with us years ago when we needed Sunday musicians. Not only is he talented but he is fun and funny too.  I told her that he has a personality like Rick and Bob, a couple of our members. What I meant by that is that they are always ready with a quip to make someone laugh. They laugh at themselves and are just genuinely fun to be with. 

Nobody wants to be with a Debbie-Downer for long. You may remember the skit on Saturday Night Live where a character named Debbie-Downer ran everyone off from the Thanksgiving Dinner with her negative attitude. It didn’t take long for her negativity to clear the room.[i]

So, here is a tribute to those people who are lighthearted, joyful and bring a sense of humor into our midst. We always need that. Smile, laugh, have a sense of joy. You’ll find it’s good for your health and good for your life in general. Here’s to being an uplifter in life. Be Joyful. Laugh, love, live. Be Happy. JV
