A Container Too Small for Expansion. Don’t Limit Yourself.

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I was recently repotting a plant that was rapidly growing beyond its container. As I removed it from the smaller pot, it came out as a mass of roots that had clearly been held back from healthy growth by the size of the container. The roots were struggling to find more room to grow.

It is the same with us. We are living with the containers that were provided by our upbringing and continual limited thoughts. We are here to expand beyond our parents, beyond others who refuse to let go of old ideas of judgment of being right.

The Loving Creator provides vivid reminders every day of our need to expand our hearts, our minds, our very livingness. If we stay rootbound by a container that someone else placed us in, or we placed ourselves, we will not expand to be the beautiful living expression of the One Light, the One Love that we call Authenticity and Divine Truth.

I pray for every person reading this that their hearts will expand to include all, their minds will expand to include positivity, and their bodies will expand to demonstrate healthful living. May the love of the One Power and the One Presence settle into your awareness. May you be at Peace. Much Love, JudyV