Never Alone

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I was recently telling the story of when I was a little girl and going to kindergarten, and  how the minute my sister would let loose of my hand I would start to cry. Well, the reason for that is that I was the youngest of six children, and everyone had really treated me as the baby, not just my mother. I was my mother’s baby of course, but everyone else sort of looked out for me too, so when it came time for me to go to kindergarten, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have the tools, the skills, I did not have the confidence to do what was mine to do. But, with the kindness and encouragement of loving people, I slowly gradually came to the place where I could stand on my own two feet.

There are so many times in our lives that this does happen, and we’re not always surrounded by loving, gentle, kind people. Sometimes we’re just thrown into the fire as they say, and we must learn to cope. Well, I don’t like to think about that, but it requires that we find our inner courage sooner rather than later. If I don’t take each day and become a little more courageous to stand on my own two feet, then I never will. But, do you know what the ironic thing is? As we do this, we find that we are never truly alone. That great gentle loving spirit we call God, the illumination of life through which we are all connected, is always with us. We can never be separated even though we think we are, and once we lift out our hand and ask for God to be with us, that loving guiding spirit is always there, supporting us, loving us, and giving us wisdom and strength. I hope that today, this week, and everyday in all ways you will choose to see that you are never alone.

 I did that recently as I was heading up the hill in Lisbon to the airport, alone at 2:45 in the morning. I suddenly looked up and saw the full moon. In that moment I recognized the beauty of this life that we have right here on this Earth, and that we are protected at all times doing the things that are ours to do. I’m so thankful for all those who have helped me until I could stand on my own two feet, and I hope that I have done the same for others. We are each here on a mission, and that is to achieve our life purpose. We can do that with faith and confidence to achieve what is ours to do, or we can stay in continual fear. It’s a choice. I hope today that you will choose love and faith going forward, doing what is yours to do.