Yesterday, having embarked upon a transatlantic trip across the Atlantic Ocean two weeks prior, I began to make my way home. The trip was something I’d wanted to experience for a while, and it was both an opportunity and a challenge. So, there I was, in the early morning hours of April 24, 2024, pulling my rolling bag up a steep hill from my hotel to the airport in Lisbon.
Needing to check in to an early morning flight, I left the hotel at 2:45 a.m. Since the hotel is so near the airport, I set off alone in the dark to get there. The young man at the hotel provided directions and told me the way was well-lit. I stopped midway and looked up to see a glimmering full moon. What a spectacular and unexpected sight.
Having a bit of anxiety about being in a new location, the moon provided a peace and calm that no matter where I am on this beautiful earth, God is there, and all is well. It was a sacred and unexpected gift.
It is the same with life. When we think we’re alone, the Source, Loving Spirit, Energy that we call “God” is right there with us, guiding us along the way. Our internal navigation system is pointed toward our true home always, lovingly guiding and protecting. I had a moment of deep peace and gratitude for all the people, places, and things that had made the trip possible. The Full Moon over Lisbon that early morning was the perfect gift and I enjoyed it tremendously. If there isn’t a song titled “Moon over Lisbon,” there should be. Maybe I’ll compose it now. With love and gratitude always, JudyV