Spirit is Calling – Are You Listening?

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What an amazing world. Here we are in the Year 2024, and it is my 74th year of life on this planet and in this body. Early years were spent, as were yours, acquainting myself with the physical, emotional, and mental world of all humans around me. From a very early age, although I was incredibly shy and introverted when away from family, there was an awareness within me of something more.

At the traditional church we attended, this something more certainly wasn’t the odd picture of God that that was provided in Sunday School. No, that was a depressing sort of story.  There were all sorts of rules and contrasting stories from the Hebrew Scriptures as well as the Christian Scriptures. My young mind and heart were never able to grasp a loving God that would sentence multitudes to a burning Hell.

There is, however, a divine presence called by many names, with which we may connect. As I have truly awakened to a higher understanding of God/The Universe/Love/Consciousness, my views have continued to expand and allow a Loving Source to enter my life and fill my heart. Ah, this is life, truth, love, wisdom, true spiritual living. My hearts swells with love and understanding.

Turning away from the human instincts of fear, distrust, worry and blame, I turn my head and heart toward the One True Source of all. Yes, I turn my head and heart toward the Divine. All is well. Amen.