The Magical Emotions

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Recently, I ran across an article at titled, “The Quantum Power of Faith” by Melanie A. Dean, Ph.D., about the hidden power of our emotions. The author has done a great deal of research and has written a book titled, “The Hidden Power of our Emotions”. In the article, she discussed how our emotions affect our moods and well-being.

Dr. Dean says that oxytocin (a molecule the body makes when you feel loved/loving), communicates safety and healthy functioning to the cells in your body while adrenaline, (when you feel danger) signals alarm, requiring the cells to pump more blood to your heart and muscles so you can fight or flee if needed.  Orexin is another molecule that your body makes when you feel fear.

Her research showed that “each molecule has a different weight because they are made up of different amounts of elements. For example, one molecule of oxytocin weighs 1,007g/mol, whereas orexin weighs nearly 3 times more at 2,899g/mol.”  She states, “Wile you can’t notice this weight difference on your bathroom scale, you can notice how it feels within you. Fear feels sharper, heavier, and more burdensome than love.”

“As these molecules of emotion spin, they produce 300 quadrillion waves per second of quantum energy. Emotions of care, hopefulness, gratitude, and love share similar smooth, calm, evenly spaced wave patterns that feel much the way they look.  Emotions of frustration, anger, worry, despair, and anxiety have sharp, jagged, chaotically spaced wave patterns that feel heavy and depressive.”[i]

No wonder it feels heavy when we’re depressed, despairing or hopeless. These molecules are weighing us down, literally. And it’s contagious too. You can spread your depressive mood to others. We all know how it feels to be in a room with someone who is joyful compared to being with someone who is angry, or any other negative mood.

One of the most powerful things that we can do to bring positivity into our lives is to change the thoughts that are bringing on the painful emotions. For instance, if my thoughts just keep cycling through the worst-case scenario and never allow a sliver of hope to slip in, I’m going to stay in a downward spiral. The way to spiral out of that is to choose one thought at a time that is more positive.  There is a lesson in A Course in Miracles that says, “I could see peace instead of this.”[ii]

It takes work and dedication. It takes putting one foot in front of the other and doing something too. One of the best things a person can do while in a heavy state of mind is to go out into nature and breathe in life. Feel the breeze and bask in the sunlight. Here are a few things that might help elevate the mood.

  • Sit in the stillness. Breathe deeply, relax, allow, be grateful for this peaceful feeling.
  • Observe your thoughts. Clear the negative. From your heart space, pray peace.
  • Choose a mantra that suits you and your situation. “My life is getting better all the time.” “Prosperity is mine.” “I AM Healthy and Strong.”
  • Visualize yourself in a situation that will bring you peace and joy. Hold that in your heart.

Holding that feeling works like magic.  It brings those feel-good molecules into your body that elevate your mood, improves your outlook, and improves your overall health. And, you know what?  This feel-good cure is free. Your body produces it all.  All it takes is for you to be aware of your emotions and the effect they have upon you.


[ii] Lesson 34: I could see peace instead of this | ACIM