Your Ability to Change the World

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The following quote from Will Bowen has been one of my favorites for visualizing how we are able to affect change in our world. When there is great chaos we tend to think, “What am I able to do to change this?” The deep and profound truth is that you can have an effect, you do have an effect when you remain at peace within your own heart center. As you remain centered and calm and connected to your Higher Power, you visibly affect those around you. They naturally become calm along with you. You know this. You have felt the difference in others when you refuse to engage in drama or fear. Your calming presence will have a calming effect upon them. Would you please take a few moments and focus on these beautiful words?

“In a vineyard, one grape will begin to ripen and in so doing will send out a vibration, an enzyme, a fragrance, or an energy field of some kind that is picked up by the other grapes. This one grape signals the other grapes that it is time to change, to ripen. As you become a person who holds only the highest and best for yourself and others in your words and thoughts, you will signal to all around you simply by who you are that it is time for a change. Without even trying, you will raise the consciousness of those around you.”[i]  Will Bowen

Ah, thank you God/Spirit/Beloved for washing over me this morning like a shower in Spring. Thank you for holding me, for loving me, for sustaining me through all the times of my life. I pray to exude this vibration, this fragrance into the energy field of the world to assist all in rising to a higher consciousness. I pray to bring positive change to the world, one person at a time. I am yours forever Beloved, in love with life, here I am, ready to serve. Amen. JudyV

[i] Bowen, Will. A Complaint Free World, p 269

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