There Is Only Love

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A question that haunts many of us is, “How do I work toward changing the world?” The truth is, we are only able to change ourselves, but by doing that, we have a profound effect upon those around us, whether they know it or not, and thereby changing the world. I’m reminded of these touching lyrics written by Karen Drucker:

“In this moment, in this place, I remember who I am. Letting fear and worry fall away from me, I open my eyes and see. There is only Love. There is only Love.  Love that heals, Love that sets us free.  There is only Love.”

What if love is the solution to everything in our lives? What if we joined in with that love and assisted others in creating peace on this planet simply by embodying love ourselves? Could it be that simple?

What if we saw things, people, places differently? What if we viewed it all with the eyes of love instead of the eyes of judgment, blame, resentment, etc? Then, we would truly contribute to the evolution of the planet. Then, we would have peace in our own hearts and therefore spread the light of the beloved, the one heart, the one mind into the world.

Yes, I will see with the eyes of love today and set myself free from worry, fear, or other negative ways of viewing myself and the world.

What if it were truly that  simple?

Have a loving day and accept the love that is freely given.

Amen, JV