Transforming and Becoming

“If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.” ~Unknown

There is an ancient Chinese blessing that states, “May you live during interesting times.” Well, we are certainly living in interesting and evolving times filled with huge transition. Transition and change can be messy and uncomfortable, but just as the chrysalis becomes a butterfly in a miraculous transformative process, something beloved and beautiful can take place within us.

The change we want to see in the outer world can only occur if enough of us make change within.  We are in the midst of huge spiritual growth and evolution. People are waking up to the True Self and the process is not always comfortable nor easy, but is so worth the results.

Just look at the beautiful butterfly and use that as your example of becoming. Appreciate the process. Cherish every moment. You will look back later with great gratitude and appreciation for the changes that have taken place within you so that you might express more of your Divine Self with the world.  Lovingly, JudyV