Higher Teachings in Everyday Language

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A true teacher of the Word at this time of human and spiritual evolution upon the Earth is one who is able to access higher teachings while also able to convey those teachings to others through common everyday language. What good is one who speaks above the level at which most can hear? This serves no one and only serves to boost the ego of the one who needs to be applauded or worshipped.

A true spiritual teacher in this is humble, loving, generous, kind and only wishes to serve the Higher Good. There is no ego, wanting to hoard attention, “look at me how evolved I am” type presentation, only a joyful countenance and presentation of being Spirit’s Emissary in Humble Clothing.

So, when you feel that someone should be worshipped, step away from their teachings and ask yourself, “would a true emissary of the One Light desire to be put on a pedestal above others?” No, of course not. That is absurd and contradictory to everything we teach. The One Light is about each of us evolving and presenting ourselves as the expression of that Light which has been chosen for this lifetime. There are many, actually a myriad of expressions of the one light and each of us is that. All we need to do is choose. A true teacher only wants to share their knowledge and wisdom on how to find the light within you. They have no desire to become your guru or to be worshipped.

Beware of those who need followers. Listen to those who live by the principles of Truth and Light and share truth on how you may listen to your own heart and inner voice. In love always, J