“They were really glad to see me.”

boy, beach, chasing birds-3617824.jpg

A little boy visited church with his grandma and grandpa. It had been a while. His older sister went regularly, but he usually stayed home with his mom and dad on Sundays. They were like most parents, staying home to recoup on Sundays and get ready for the coming week.

This particular church is Progressive, New Thought Spirituality, maybe some may even think of it as New Age. Anyway, he was met by everyone with love, acceptance, extreme joy and when he got home, he told his mom, “They were really glad to see me.”  These are people walking the talk. They met this precious child with openness, joy, and delight.

This is how we are greeted by the Beloved, the Creative Spirit, Eternal Parental Energy, God, or whatever name you choose. When we truly center in the loving energy of the Beloved, we are lovingly and joyfully held in the arms of LOVE.  We say, “wow, Spirit was really glad to see me.” What a homecoming. What a tremendous metaphor for Life. What is ours will know us. This loving energy will know every hair on our heads. It will know our face and lovingly say, “Welcome home Beloved. You are Joyfully Received and Held.” Rev. Judy

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