The Importance of Zeal, Passion, and Enthusiasm

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The practice of fully expressing Zeal, Passion, and Enthusiasm means you are fully alive. You are tapping into the divine energy that surrounds you.

When he was 94 years old, Charles Fillmore wrote the following affirmation: “I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that ought to be done by me.”[i]

Wow, I want to sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm too! To have passion, enthusiasm, and zeal for life means living abundantly, and we are more likely to achieve that when we can pay attention to the things we love.

Here are some things that can rob you of your passion and/or joy for life:

  • Anger – Resentment – Blame – Failure to take full responsibility for your life – Unforgiveness – Guilt
  • Feelings of unworthiness – Feeling small or insignificant – Listening to your inner critic and
  • Allowing others to judge and criticize you and bring you down or other forms of self-defeat.

Don’t waste any time defending, apologizing, or explaining yourself to others. Jesus did not debate with his critics. Their comments were none of his business. His business was to speak and live his truth. And so is yours.

Jesus also said: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”[ii] He spoke with passion. He lived with passion. He walked in the Light and is the reason that we are speaking of him today. He was the perfect example of living your purpose and passion.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” Elie Wiesel[iii] 
When 18th Century evangelist John Wesley was asked why so many people came to hear him preach, he said, “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn!” [iv] Where there is no enthusiasm, there is no passion. Where there is no passion, there is no great living. How do you feel when you are enthusiastic? Energized or excited is the common response.

Enthusiastic responses are universal across cultures. Smiles and clapping are hardwired into us. Just watch a crowd celebrating a point scored by their team. Enthusiasm communicates excitement, engagement, and positivity to the people around you and like all emotions it is contagious, so your enthusiasm affects others.

If you find yourself in a depressed state, or just feeling “blah”, decide what you can do to be uplifted.  John C. Maxwell said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.[v]

I challenge you to find something today that you will make feel better. Pick up trash, walk a block, sweep off the back porch. Plant a seedling. Change something and improve your mood and add passion to your life. Love you, Rev.J


[ii] Matthew 5:13


