Beyond Prayer

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We talk a lot at the spiritual center to which I belong about the power of prayer. Prayer is indeed powerful, but many of us never go further and deeper. If we do not go deeper, we do not allow our higher self to inform us of what is ours to do, what is ours to be, and what our own Soul would have us know.

Our prayer lives should deepen and strengthen our inner connection to the Divine. Simply praying to something out there for certain solutions without connecting to the Higher Power and feeling it within will not allow Spirit to guide, direct and inform you.

Don’t misunderstand, prayer is extremely important, but it is the first step. By prayerfully going within, we then feel the Higher Energy above into the crown, down the spine to the heart. Some feel Spirit enter through the back of the heart center and flow and expand the ethereal heart. It is a powerful feeling, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are connected to a Higher Power.

This Higher Power is not self-centered but centered in a larger self that includes all of you and All That Is. We meditate on an affirmation every Sunday that states:

“We come together to affirm and celebrate our Unity — our oneness — with each other, and with the Source of All That Is.  In that spirit of Unity, let us pause to enfold in Light and Love all people in our community and in our world.  The candle of Unity signifies the light within each of us and our connection to the Source of All That IS.  And so, it is!”

So, prayer should be a time of bringing forward those human concerns and challenges and placing them in the Cosmic Flow of Love that we call God/Spirit/Divine, etc. Instead of praying to something outside of yourself, begin to see yourself as at One and Aligned with the Beloved, the One Power and Presence. From that place, we are become part of the answers to prayers. Have a beautiful day and stay conscious. Many blessings, JudyV

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