The Power of Our Beliefs

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“Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.” -Anthony Robbins

Robbins has made a powerful statement. What we believe literally determines our perspective on life. We often hear the phrase, “change our thoughts and change our life”.  While this is certainly true, it might be even more helpful to focus on what we believe. Our beliefs tell us what to think, how to act, how to be in relationship and basically how to live.

I recently read through a book I’ve had for quite a while titled, “The Power of Belief.”[i] In the book the author suggests that to create lasting change, we must first change what we believe. For instance, you cannot think positively if you believe that you live in a fearful universe. You will see a fearful event around every corner. Maybe you will never accept responsibility for your life if at your core, you believe there is always something or someone else to blame for your situation(s). 

Your deeply held beliefs essentially create the world in which you live. They tell you how to perceive the world. These beliefs form in childhood and become firm in adulthood. The most deeply held beliefs impact all areas of our lives, including our jobs and performance at work, our relationships, issues with money, and our health.  If you truly believe, for instance, that how you treat your body has no affect upon your health, you will not be healthy very long. If you believe that you do not deserve to be happy, then happiness will elude you. If you do not believe that you are intelligent, then you will always be putting yourself down and limiting yourself in all ways. In addition, healthy relationships are built upon the belief that you and the other person are worthy and deserve truth, trust, and respect.

Unless we understand how we create our own unique perception of the world through our beliefs, we are not likely to change.  We may feel that we are not smart enough, strong enough, or good enough. We may feel that people will always let us down. We may feel that people are not to be trusted, that the world at large is out to get us. If you believe that everyone has your good in mind, then you’ll see that. If you believe that we are all just doing the best we can, then you’ll offer forgiveness in the face of injury instead of the need to pay someone back.

I began with a quote from Tony Robbins who said that our beliefs have the ability to build or destroy. I hope that if you are in an endless cycle of dealing with issues that just never go away, you will consider diving deeply into what your beliefs are about yourself. I hope you’ll choose to see yourself the way God sees you – healthy, happy, whole, intelligent, and resourceful. Be blessed in all that you do.

Lovingly always, Judy

[i]Dodd, Ray. The Power of Belief