Time, Energy, and Focus

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Are we merely Present and Accounted for or are we Fully Present?

We’ve always thought if we were present and accounted for that we were handling ourselves and our obligations appropriately. Even if that were true at one time, it is not true now. If we are present, we need to be fully present in body, mind, and spirit. We need to be focused on doing our best and highest.

How many times do we schedule back-to-back meetings or appointments, not realizing that we couldn’t possibly be ready for the next meeting if we just came from one where the energy was filled with tension?  We take the same consciousness with us.  It can’t be any other way. We may think that we are present and on time, but we forget one crucial thing. Our focus may be elsewhere. It is similar to jetlag. We leave our consciousness and energy in the other time zone.

Many people treat themselves as if they are Superman or woman. They go into the restroom and dress for the next meeting or obligation then fly off without allowing their energy and focus to clear and catch up.  Energy is power and our bodies also require power. Present and accounted for is not enough. We should be fully present, focused in mind, body, and spirit.

We have an internal status meter if we pay attention. Our bodies tell us all we need to know. Observe how you feel. If something drains your spirit, it drains your body. If something uplifts your spirit, it uplifts your body. Spend enough time in the quiet to stretch your body and your mind. We don’t do anyone a favor, especially ourselves, when we show up weary, with negative feelings such as frustration, distraction, or a sense of obligation. We bring that negativity with us, and others feel it. We then become a “downer.”   

As you begin to pay attention, see how you feel when you book yourself too tightly. Do a gut check and act from that. Also remember that until you clear a negative behavior, it will continue to show up. For instance, you may be a people pleaser and say “yes” when you want to say “no.” Guess what?  That issue, that trend, that habit will stay with you until you have the strength and will to clear it. It takes courage to step up and say “no”, but that is so much better than leaving others hanging when you back out or participate with a heavy heart. Not only is your energy lagging but you are also doing harm to your body.

Make the brave and healthy choice to focus on what is yours to do. Value the other person’s time as well and use your time and energy wisely. Each of us is here on a mission of good. We are here to bring our light and higher consciousness to the world. Be fully present wherever you are, whether with others or in communication with the Divine. Allow the Christ Consciousness to move in, around and through you. Lovingly always, Judy