How To Truly Make A Difference

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We surely live in complex times, and it is difficult to know how to make a difference in the lives of others. For myself, I choose to give to worthy causes and help those less fortunate in many ways. I also believe that one of the best ways I can make a difference in the world is to remain faithful always, and to walk my talk.  I love the following quotes:

Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Benjamin Franklin: “The best sermon is a good example.”

Wallace Wattles: “The world needs demonstration more than it needs instruction.”

Michael Beckwith: “An enlightened society can only be created by awakened beings.”

Will Bowen: “In a vineyard, one grape will begin to ripen and in so doing will send out a vibration, an enzyme, a fragrance, or an energy field of some kind that is picked up by the other grapes. This one grape signals the other grapes that it is time to change, to ripen. As you become a person who holds only the highest and best for yourself and others in your words and thoughts, you will signal to all around you simply by who you are that it is time for a change. Without even trying, you will raise the consciousness of those around you.”

The pandemic and political climate have both provided an excellent, optimal opportunity for spiritual growth. If you have chosen to align with Source and have remained in harmony and balance, you are a Faithkeeper. By remaining calm, you signal others in physical and non-physical ways that all is well. You share your faith in numerous ways which indicate that there is no need to fear. You are sending out a wave of strength, light, energy, and love to those around you and the entire world. Continue demonstrating your faith and that alone will make a tremendous difference in the world. Lovingly always, Judy,