Seeing Things Differently

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How many times do we listen to the opinions of others and wish that they would see things differently? No matter who it is, sometimes someone close to us, it can be difficult to understand how they are viewing a particular situation so differently than yourself. It can also be awkward, but I work at not being judgmental.

I remind myself regularly that my responsibility is to keep living my truth regardless of others’ opinions. My truth is that “The Light of God Surrounds Us, The Love of God Enfolds Us”[i] and other affirmations which we teach at our spiritual center. “God is my instant, constant and abundant supply”[ii] is another. So, to me, no matter what is going on in the world, I remind myself, “Wait a minute, do I believe that God is my instant supply or not?” 

For me, I am using my wisdom and demonstrating my truth by taking all precautions during the pandemic. For me, that means taking vaccines when available and being especially cautious when in the presence of someone who has a compromised immune system. Others don’t feel that way. There is also the other side of the spectrum where people are so fearful, they won’t go out of the house.  It appears that fear is rampant, whether it is fear of the virus or the vaccine.  It is still fear.

So, the thing is, I am a person of the middle path. In the middle way, you see all sides clearly, but you see the world without fear, knowing that God is your source, your source of wisdom, understanding, strength, abundance, love, and health. It can be no other way. We are ambassadors of the One Power and the One Presence. We do not wail when the wind becomes strong, we stand our ground and walk firmly onward.

Everyone sees life differently, especially now during these turbulent times. The thing is, it is my responsibility to walk my path in Light and Truth. How others experience their world is beyond my control. I can give directions to the top of the mountain, but I can’t clear the path. I pray that each person reading this will find their way to wholeness and joy in every way. Amen.

[i] The Story of the “Prayer for Protection” – Unity
