I said a prayer for you this morning. Yes, you, the person reading this short message. My method for talking to God is simple. As I go into the quiet, the silence, I feel a direct connection to God, Spirit, Light, Love, Yahweh, or whatever name you have for the Higher Power. At the same time, I feel the Christ Spirit fill my heart center, right in the middle of my chest, including my physical heart. This awakens the Christ Spirit within me and my entire being is aligned and attuned.
This morning, in this prayerful state, I prayed that the pain from loss, the challenges, the loneliness, the physical or mental conditions which you are suffering will be comforted and healed in all ways. I prayed that you would have clarity and peace of heart and mind over decisions, and that you will be guided toward your right next step. I prayed for prosperity and abundance for you wherever you are suffering from lack or worry. I prayed that all your longings and suffering from the past will be put to rest and you will be at peace of body, mind, and spirit.
Yes, I prayed for you, and you should be feeling the overwhelming sense of relief of anxiety, illness, and suffering. I hope you’ll accept the healing, the joy and the abundance that are coming your way.
Merry Christmas beloved friend. You are loved and cherished. Be well. JudyV
Very nice! Thank you.
Thank you Reverend Judy, for sharing your prayers. Your words bring me peace and serenity. Merry Christmas to you, Dan, and your family.
With love,
Sometimes I think that the best thing about Christmas is that it kinda lets people say the things they don’t say or didn’t say or should have said or wished they’d said or wanted to say and even if it still can’t be said- a few words that someone else was able to -can be those words.