I lit my first candle in honor of Chanukah last night. “Why,” you ask? “You do not practice Judaism.” The answer is that it makes me feel good to participate in rituals that have meaning. It touches my heart and that is what spirituality is all about, after all. It is about feeling the love of the Creator, and in so doing, bringing that light and love into the world.
This ritual celebrates the Maccabean Revolt against a foreign force that had taken control of the Temple. According to Chabad.org, the Jewish people were told they must renounce their religion and accept the Greek beliefs or be sentenced to death. In a David and Goliath [i] type story, a group of willing but poorly equipped folks led by Judah Maccabee stormed the intruders and drove them from the land. They reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
As the celebrants were later lighting the Temple’s menorah, there was only enough oil to keep the candles lit for a day, and it would take 8 days to make the slow round-trip to buy more. Regardless, according to the story, a miracle occurred, and the candles remained burning. The menorah which was used in the holy temple had seven branches, but a modern menorah holds nine. [ii]
Although two candles are traditionally lit on the first night, I am creating my own tradition. I lit my first candle last night and will add an additional candle each night for a total of nine days.
This holiday coincides with the time in-between the Harvest and Winter Solstice. This is a time of rejoicing at the bounty of the Harvest and acknowledging that rest, restoration, and turning over the soil of one’s thoughts requires going within to find inner peace.
I like creating my own traditions. I am free (as are you) to mix them up and create what has meaning to me. The first candle of this Holy Season represents my entry upon the spiritual path toward healing and wholeness in all ways. As I light each candle, I speak the mantra, “I am an Expression of the Light.” I light each candle for Faith, Peace, Love, Light and Joy.
May this Holy Season bring Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Humankind. Amen. Judy V