What Is Your Lot In Life?

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“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.” – John C. Maxwell.

Many people are unaware of the ability to change their lives. In their younger years, they accepted many things for truth that were only unhealthy practices. If we were in unhappy circumstances, perhaps living in poverty, pain, or chaos, we might have believed that we were not worthy of anything better. We just accepted that “this is my lot in life.” 

What does that mean exactly, “This is my lot in life?”  It is usually said with a sigh and a defeatist attitude that life will never get better, and we will never have control over our circumstances. It is said by someone who looks at their circumstances and decides that they are not capable or worthy of having a better life.

That is unfortunate. Wisdom teachers for ages have told us clearly that we have a light within us, and that we are empowered by the Source of All That Is to accomplish whatever is ours to do. Further, we have a direct connection to the Source that we may access at any time. In addition, we have the ability to change our pitiful, powerless thoughts to empowering ones. For instance, instead of saying, “This problem is impossible for me to solve,” say, “The solution to this problem is on its way and I am willing to see this differently.” A Course in Miracles says, “I am willing to see things differently.”[i] This one small shift in your willingness to see things differently will change your life.

When you were a child, you probably weren’t taught that you had a choice. You may have been taught that this is the way things are in this family. This is our lot in life.

I read of a woman who had struggled all her life with issues of lack and deprivation. She did not believe she was worthy of anything better. Although intelligent and physically fit and attractive, she had an innate fear that she could not make it on her own. Because she thought she needed someone to take care of her, this meant a life of always trying to fit into the mold that her current partner set for her. She had no self-worth. Incredibly, all her fears were based upon false beliefs and assumptions. In addition to low self-esteem, she fell into “worst case scenario” thinking.

Fear-based thinking will only create a fear-based life. When we can let go of “Oh, this is just my lot in life” thinking, and be open to joy, abundance, health, and wholeness, we open the gateway to heaven.

How do we align ourselves with this new way of life?

  • Challenge every unproductive or fearful thought.
  • Be willing to see things differently.
  • Choose a thought that brings optimism and hope.
  • Pray and move your feet.

Don’t sit at home and wish things were better. Do something every single day to improve your situation. It could be small. Just do it!

Lastly, decide that your lot in life is to experience abundance, joy, and harmony always. With Love, Rev.J

[i] https://acim.org/acim/lesson-21/i-am-determined-to-see-things-differently/en/s/423

1 thought on “What Is Your Lot In Life?”

  1. I am so grateful for the wisdom you share on your blog. I can access wherever I may roam with my husband on the road!!

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